Here we collect advice for operating wiki sites for others. Computers and networks vary so we stop short of step by step instructions. We report what has worked for us using the privileges available to system administrators.
You alone are responsible for the systems you run. We may suggest using commands routinely used by administrators for decades that can do irreparable damage when used wrong. Know what is at risk. Use appropriate caution.
# Basics
We assume familiarity with federated wiki and the jargon used to describe it. See the Names of Things
We assume familiarity with open-source development practices especially issues and pull requests. github
We assume some respect for the job of administering a system used by others. post
# Resources
We distribute a version of the federated wiki server/client/plugins as a node package. npm
We maintain source as a series of repositories within an organization called 'fedwiki'. github
We have carefully designed the federation to be sustainable without any central authority.
# Advice
Backup everything and know how to restore it.
Networking that wiki needs to work.
Hosting on computers you own or rent.
Social behavior of users and communities.
Institutions and their unique requirements.